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How To Set Time Zones in U.S. and Canada
Jesse Arroyave avatar
Written by Jesse Arroyave
Updated over 3 years ago

The software uses time zones in several ways - from timing campaigns, to determining appointment times in your calendar, and more. You want to ensure the location time zone (in Settings --> Company) is set up properly. Our "How To Understand Time Zones" article walks you through the various aspects of the system that are impacted by time zone.

But how do you know what time zone to select? Below is a breakdown of the U.S. and Canada time zones, with cities most commonly associated with them:

Eastern Daylight Time Reference
Time zone in Washington, DC, USA (GMT-4)
Wednesday, 14 October 2020, 5:00 pm
4:00 pm Central Daylight Time Chicago (GMT-5)
3:00 pm Mountain Daylight Time Denver (GMT-6)
2:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time Los Angeles (GMT-7)
1:00 pm Alaska Daylight Time Anchorage (GMT-8)
11:00 am Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time Honolulu (GMT-10)

Timezone, Time, Zone, Map, United States, Usa, America
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