In this article, you will learn how to troubleshoot your ‘Call Event’ when it is not working. A ‘Call Event’ is just one of many ‘Events’ that you can create inside a campaign. You can add yourself as a user to test that the event is running properly.
Part 1: Creating a test using your own mobile number
Step 1: Go to Contacts → Contact → Add Contact → Fill out the form with your information → Save. See GIF
Part 2: Create a ‘Call Event’ Campaign
Step 1: Create or Click an existing Campaign → Add Event → Call Event → Save Published → See GIF
Part 3: Adding yourself to the Campaign
Step 1: Go back to Contacts → Find your name → Scroll down → Add to Campaign → Select the Campaign → Save. See GIF
Note: Go check it for yourself. If you received the call, the problem might be with your Lead, but in case you haven’t received your test call, you can check your Twilio account.