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How To Use Stripe Test Mode
Jesse Arroyave avatar
Written by Jesse Arroyave
Updated over a week ago

We recommend testing your Stripe configuration with a small live transaction such as a $1 purchase. However, if you are wanting to test Stripe checkout in your funnel (and don’t want to process a real transaction) you can use Stripe Test Mode.

What you will need

  • Stripe Account

Part 1 - Changing Stripe to Test Mode

First you’ll need to change your Stripe account to test mode and copy over the Test Publishable and Test Secret Keys

  • Navigate to the Developers tab and select the API keys option in the menu.

  • Click the “View test data” button in the top right corner

  • Copy the Publishable key starting with pk_test_

  • Reveal and copy the Secret key starting with sk_test_

Note: any products or subscriptions you created in your live account will not appear in your test account. If you want to simulate those same items you will need to create them again after your Stripe account is in test mode.

Part 2 - Update Stripe Settings In Your Account

Copy and paste your Publishable key and Secret key into your Stripe settings. This will be overwriting your live keys so you will need to switch these back after testing.

Part 3 - Testing Transaction

Now you will need to create a new test product in the funnel and process a test purchase. You can use any Stripe Test Credit Card found here -

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