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Connect Mobile App
Connect Mobile App

Get more insight in how Connect works, and how to best utilize it with your clients

Connect: Customizing Your App & LinkIn this short video, we show you how to customize your app with an intro message, your logo, brand colors, and your unique link.
Connect: How To Use Your Unique Link And ERO CodeIn this short video, we show how your clients access your customized page through your unique link and code.
Connect: How It Works From Start To FinishIn this short video, we describe how you customize your app, edit your unique link, and see how the chat feature brings it all together.
Connect: Client OrganizerYou can use the client organizer to reference all of the information that your client submits through the app.
Connect: Uploading Form 8879 To Your Signature Request
Connect: Choosing The Payment Method And Disbursement MethodIn this short video, we show you where we indicate your clients payment and disbursement method. These 2 items will not import.
Connect: Desktop ToolIn this short video, we show you how to download the desktop tool and verify that you have the update version, so that it works properly.
Connect: Your Clients Refund And Your FeesIn this short video, we show how you inform your client of their tax federal tax refund, state refund, and your preparation fees.
Connect: Spanish SettingsIn this short video, we show you how to adjust your settings to Spanish while using the Connect mobile app.
Connect: Live ChatIn this video we show you how to utilize the chat to seamlessly communicate with your client throughout the process.
Connect: Where Do I See Unread Messages From The Chat?In this short video we show you where you can quick see unread messages from a client on our Dashboard.
Connect: Taxpayer AttachmentsIn this short video, we show you where you can find all your taxpayer attachments (W2, Id's, Tax Forms etc) within our Dashboard.