Make sure that the bank branch matches the check you have in hand.
Check to make sure that the check you have has been properly printed (e.g. signature should appear on the check's signature line and not floating above it).
Bring two forms of identification to the branch so they can verify your identity.
Once you pick up your check, wait 2 hours before cashing your check. This is required processing time in order to authorize the check.
If a bank is unable to verify the check, direct them to the check verification number at the bottom of the check: 888-445-8299
IMPORTANT: Some banks may require you to open up an account, which is the choice of the taxpayer. You can also take your check to your personal bank (if applicable) as well as Walmart and KMart. We recommend reaching out to your local Walmart or Kmart as their check cashing ceiling may vary from state to state and location to location.