Supported Browsers: Chrome & FirefoxRefundo supports Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. We strongly recommend that our clients use one of these supported web browsers.
How to reprint a checkThis article explains how to reprint checks and what to do when you have reached your maximum reprint attempts.
How to generate reportsRefundo provides information on a variety of reports within the Dashboard to help tax professionals make smart decisions for their business.
How To Create New UsersTax Pros can create and manage users in the Dashboard very easily. Simply click the users tab on the left hand menu to get started.
How To Print Taxpayer FormsGenerating the consent and disclosure forms are an important part of the bank app process, so we've outlined the steps to do it properly.
How to navigate the DashboardQuick shortcuts can be found on the left-hand side of the Refundo Dashboard, so that you can navigate with ease and work efficiently.
How to create a manual bank applicationRefundo describes the steps to create a manual bank application. This only works for EROs who are using non-integrated software provider.